Selected Poems
Southeast Review: Eulogies of Motion
The Rumpus: OCD Sonnet #1; OCD Sonnet #4; OCD Sonnet #6; OCD Sonnet #9
Sequestrum: The Heart—in the Woods Behind my Father’s House; We’re All Writing Lake Poems Now; OCD Sonnet #3
Subnivean: OCD Sonnet #7; Erin Says the Trees are Dying; What Will the Future Look Like?; OCD Sonnet #10
South Carolina Review: Medical History as Creation Myth (Print)
Hong Kong Review: At Twelve, I Cook Cottage Pie with my Grandmother (Print)
Pigeon Pages: Accidental Love Poem
Frontier Poetry: Today, while reading the definition of OCD
Baltimore Review: Elegy After a Disturbance
Maine Review: four days after the hospital—there is still blood on my glasses
Cleaver Magazine: OCD Sonnet #3
Flying South: May Our Ghosts Feast Together (Print); At the Russian Spa (Print)
The Pedestal Magazine: Postcards to the Angel [unmailed]
Eye to the Telescope: the Angel conducts my autopsy
The Wake Forest Review: At Twelve, I Cook Cottage Pie with my Grandmother
Does It Have Pockets: To Write the Poem in which I Reckon with My OCD; To Be in the Time of Climate Change; In 1963, My Father Helps Build a Cyclotron, and Blacks Out Lower Manhattan
The Pedestal Magazine: A Catalogue of Moments as Told to My Bedroom Window
Hong Kong Review: Odes to Insanity (Print)
Flying South: The Coup (Language is a Violence to Rise with the Sea) (Print)
Scalawag Magazine: Dogwood Holy